Can you help us make His Majesty's Theatre more beautiful?

Can you help?
His Majesty's Theatre is seeking information on the balconies that were on the building until 1953.
The balconies are being restored to their original glory, but to do this properly we are seeking anything that increases our knowledge of how they looked.
In particular, we are hoping to find some original balcony components that can be used as moulds or models - but any images, drawings or photos of the demolition would also be useful.
The balconies were made in the classical style, so pieces of the columns, metopes, balustrades, balusters, pediments, light fittings, post brackets, or any images of these would be appreciated.
If you think you can help you can email His Majesty's Theatre at [email protected] or items can be delivered to the His Majesty's Theatre Stage Door at 825 Hay St Perth. All items will be returned to you following their inspection or use by the architects.
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