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RECLAIMED PIANOS by Circa – Community Survey

Albany Entertainment Centre is inviting locals to participate in our Reclaimed Pianos Survey.

We are inviting you to share stories about your connections to music and pianos, listening, learning and playing. Music can play a significant role throughout different periods of our lives, music can cross generational boundaries, foster personal growth and unite community. The power of music to trigger happy, sad and funny memories can be palpable.

Albany Entertainment Centre and Circa are working together with your community to create a new work called Reclaimed Pianos. Circa has been at the frontier of new circus – creating powerful works of circus art that challenge, thrill and delight. At the centre of Circa is the art, they push the boundary of the circus artform and blur the lines between movement, dance, theatre and circus.

Your stories and responses will be shared with Circa as they create their new work, which will tour in October / November 2018.

The information you provide may or may not be used for the creative development of the show.

There is NO need to answer every question, any contribution or comments will be appreciated. We look forward to reading and sharing your responses.

If you have any questions please contact Drew Dymond at Albany Entertainment Centre on 9844 500 or [email protected]

Please complete your survey by 30th July. 

Click here to take the Reclaimed Pianos Survey

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