Example event
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21 July 2040
Other Venues

Example event

21 July 2040 Other Venues Buy tickets

Presented by Presenter Name

Headline sentence will be displayed here in feature format. 

The synopsis is displayed here in paragraph format. The synopsis for the show should be short and captivating. It’s recommended that the synopsis is less than 200 words.

We may feature your event on the venue landing pages or Arts and Culture Trust website. When an event is featured, it displays a short 'teaser' along with the event. Teaser copy has a 250 character limit (including spaces) and is recommended that it be an engaging one sentence about your event that serves to bring visitors to click through to find out more.

An in-house writing convention is that all show titles and album names are italicized. For example, if we were writing about CATS the Musical, or Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon, we would write it as such. If writing the name of a song, use inverted commas. For example, Suzanne Vega's song 'Tom's Diner' is one of the best ever written. 

You may also include a promo video link that we can embed into the webpage. If a video link is supplied, it will sit directly below the synopsis and media quotes, like below.

Find out more about image requirements and safe zones so your images are best represented.

"We italicise all quotes on our website, like this!"- Suzie Italics
"Example Event is a 5-star performance. Don't miss out!" - The West Australian, 2016
"If you like the things, you’ll like this" - Tommy Likethings, 2018 (Praise for Things)

Please note:
  • Latecomers will not be admitted until a suitable break during the performance.
  • Mobile telephones and electronic devices are to be turned off during the performance.
  • Cameras, video cameras and tape recorders will not be permitted without the consent of the promoter.
  • $50.00 Admit 
  • $30.00 Concession (Seniors Card holders, Health Care Card holders, unemployed, students) 
  • $30.00 Groups (10+) (One complimentary ticket per 10 booked)
    For group bookings phone (08) 6212 9291 or email groups@ptt.wa.gov.au


  • $30.00 Groups (10+) (One complimentary ticket per 10 booked)
  • $30.00 School Groups (10+) (One complimentary ticket per 10 booked)
    For group bookings phone (08) 6212 9291 or email groups@ptt.wa.gov.au



We require three images with the below specifications

  • Landscape 1920 pixels x 1200 pixels (observe safe zone - further details below)
  • Square 800 pixels x 800 pixels (social media)
  • Square 300 pixels x 300 pixels (thumbnail)

Elements of an image

In this example event, the image you see above shows how your show/event image will appear. 

This example image displays these elements:

  • focal point of the image
  • background/secondary aspects of image
  • safe zones 1 and 2 (see below)

As you can see, the focal point of the image is best placed in the centre within safe zone 1 (see below). We recommend your image does not include text as the name of the event is already listed on the page.


Visitors to our website view event pages using various sized devices including:

  • mobile phones
  • tablets
  • desktop with square monitors
  • desktop with widescreen monitors

Landscape image safe zones

Our website is responsive to show more or less of the image, adapting to display areas as best fit on each device. We have safe zones to help illustrate how you should lay out your image. This means that according to the device being used, your image will appear slightly different. If you resize this browser window on a desktop, you can see how the image adapts to different widths. A good rule of thumb he best guide to make sure your focal point will always be visible is to put that focal point in the middle of the image. 

This example image below includes highlighted zones to show you safe zones 1 and 2.

Safe zone 1 (pink)

  • Safe zone 1 is always visible no matter which device is used.
  • Ensure focal point of image (and title treatment if applicable) are within this zone.

Safe zone 2 (green)

  • Safe zone 2 has more visibility on tablet and mobile devices and reduced visibility of desktop (apart from section where zone 1 and 2 overlap).
  • Add other aspects of image to this zone eg. background.
  • Do not place any text within this zone as there is a very high chance it will not display and parts of the text will appear cut off.


  • Mobile devices display almost all of the original 1920x1200 image.
  • Generally mobile usage is higher than desktop/tablet usage on our website.

Best practice hints/tips

  • Design your image with main focal point in Safe Zone 1.
  • Have secondary focal point and background in Safe Zone 2.
  • Carry on background to the rest of the image (this is displayed for those users with large desktop screens).

Templates and guides

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